Olli Halonen went into a crotch position on stage and soon the accident that ended the gig happened

Singer Olli Halonen talks about his last gig of the summer in the Aki Linnanahde Talk Show podcast.

Olli Halonen tells about the accident that happened at the gig. EVENING PAPER

Vocalist To Olli Halones an accident happened in the middle of the Vanajanlinnan gig. Halonen told about the incident Aki Linnanahde Talk Show on the podcast. Host Aki Linnanahde interviewed his guests at Tennispalatsi in honor of the hundredth episode of his podcast.

The presenter did not miss how Halonen sprained his foot.

– I had the last band gig of the summer in Vanajanlinna. Thirdly, in the last song, my kneecap dislocated, says Halonen.

– Probably the biggest reason is that I’m 35 years old. What happened was that I went into such a deep crotch position – as deep as I could go. That’s when I turned to look behind the drummer, and then it (knee) got some kind of twist, Halonen describes what happened.

The artist fell because his kneecap was in the wrong place and his leg came out from under him.

– Fortunately, there was a guitar solo, during which I got my kneecap knocked back into its right place. Then the gig ended, Halonen describes.

The fateful situation happened during the cover song, Aknestik Finnish rockduring the hit.

– Even the band acknowledged after the gig that the lead singer doesn’t stay in the lead – that that’s what happens when you start rocking, says Halonen.

Halonen is especially well known North– from his hit. Halonen was also involved in the band Satin Circus, founded in 2010.

Olli Halonen won the Iskelmä of the Year award in February.
