Olli Halonen bought an apartment

Singer Olli Halonen, known for his Pohjola hits, bought his first home in Espoo.

Olli Halonen bought his first home in Espoo. Sipe Myllyniemi

Grabbed the Rookie of the Year award Olli Halonen made his breakthrough in the music world in 2022. At the moment, his life revolves around his debut album and concerts, but that doesn’t bother the rookie artist.

– It’s a bit tiring because it’s such a busy time, but on the other hand it’s wonderful at the same time. Ski vacations are starting now, so we’re going to tour Lapland and the ships. After the summer, the best time of the year is here, Halonen tells Iltalehti at the Iskelmä gala.

According to Halonen, the upcoming album is very similar to what he has heard before. The two singles from the debut album, North and Finnish summerhave been so successful that the upcoming album has already gone platinum before its release.

– One more song is coming from the album, from which I expect a lot. Could it be the same kind of hit that the previous two were. Of course, the people will decide, we’ll wait for that, Halonen says with a twinkle in his eye.

According to Halonen, his thoughts are currently much further than in the first album.

– I have already started composing the second album and there are already songs ready for that too. In a certain way, the mind is already going in the front field. Maybe almost the second record will start to excite me more because it’s something I don’t know anything about. As for the first album, it’s already gone quite well with the songs, there’s no need to worry about it, he says.

Olli Halonen’s record company is Mökkitie Records owned by Arttu Wiskar. Sipe Myllyniemi

Everything changed

When Halonen’s mega hit Pohjola was published in May 2021, his life changed completely.

– In terms of music, dreams have come true during 2022, everything in my life has changed. Now I get to live the kind of life I’ve always dreamed of. You only get to make music and gigs, the artist rejoices.

– I can’t find something that I miss in my life now. I have everything I’ve ever dreamed of, he continues.

With the success and breakthrough, Halonen, who was awarded Rookie of the Year at the Iskelmä gala, was also able to fulfill one of his personal dreams.

– I just bought my first apartment at the turn of the year in Espoo. Of course, that is also a new thing and a dream that has come true, Halonen reveals.

Halonen says that he bought the apartment together with his partner. According to Halonen, success and busy everyday life have not particularly affected the relationship.

Halonen has built a home studio in his new home to make everyday life easier.

– Sometimes in the evenings, if the work at the studio is likely to continue late, I come home to work so that I can eat and exchange information with my partner. Small things like that make a difference and make life a lot easier. A long day is not so long when you can split it between the record company and home.

Although Halonen is currently living his “dream”, according to his own words, rest is also in order.

– What I’m waiting for is to finish the first album and get a little breather. Of course, the gigs will continue as usual, but during the week there would be time for a little vacation. That life wouldn’t just be a studio and a gig. Otherwise, I have to say that I am really satisfied with my life, Halonen concludes.
