Oliviero Toscani. Photographer profession: the exhibition is in Milan until 25 September

THEn the occasion of the eightieth birthday, Oliviero Toscani. Photographer profession he recounts his work from the 1960s to today thanks to the photos and advertising campaigns that have made him famous.

A photo of the exhibition set-up

The 800 shots on displaywhich the advertising photographer-artist has made in the course of his long career, are offered to the public not in chronological order but as a “flow of images” to immerse yourself in and get carried away.

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An opportunity to review historical campaigns such as Jesus Jeans “Who loves me follow me”, Tre Cuori White / Black / Yellow, No Anorexia, together with portraits of famous faces from the world of culture and the star system.
INFO: Milan, Palazzo Reale, until 25 September.

