Oliver Pocher wins after boxing ring slap in court





Oliver Pocher recorded a legal success on Wednesday (October 19) in the process of being slapped on the sidelines of a boxing match in March of this year. The comedian and moderator sued Instagram influencer Fat Comedy, actually Giuseppe Sumrain, after he had posted the attack online with a short, self-made clip.

A monkey video also published by Fat Comedy, which was supposed to disparage Pocher, became the main point of contention in court.

Oliver Pocher had demanded 100,000 euros in damages from Fat Comedy at the beginning of the trial. It was first clarified whether the personal rights of the RTL moderator are more worthy of protection than freedom of expression and freedom of art. Specifically, it was about whether Pocher was despised just so Fat Comedy could win more followers on Instagram with his campaign.

Monkey video must remain offline or there will be a hefty fine

Pocher therefore applied for an injunction against the video some time ago. According to the judgment of the court, this may now remain in place. Fat Comedy must not show it again, otherwise he faces a fine of up to 250,000 euros. His lawyer announced that he would go to the next instance.

For the Pocher side it is a KO victory in court. “Giuseppe Sumrain rightly lost again. The arguments of his lawyers are not convincing. And in addition to the full costs, he will also have to bear all other consequences of his actions,” said Pocher’s lawyer Verena Haisch, according to “Bild”.

According to “RTL.de”, a lawyer from Fat Comedy argued sharply in court: “Someone who describes other people as ‘sick pig’ and ‘fat sow’ is obliged to have to put up with more sometimes.”




