Oliver Bierhoff confident despite Germany’s huge disappointment

Thomas Müller said his farewell on TV, although he did not directly say that he was quitting the national team.

Germany’s farce in the soccer World Cup has caused citizens to point fingers at the culprits. One of the most criticized people is the technical director of the German team Oliver Bierhoff.

The four-time world champion was left in the starting group of the World Championships for the second time in a row. Even in last year’s European Championships, the pick-up came immediately in the first playoff round.

In an interview with the German Broadcasting Corporation, the football boss had to answer the reporter’s tough questions after the third unsuccessful tournament.

– Of course it’s a big disappointment. I was angry too. We had all the games in our own hands. The first game (1-2 loss to Japan) annoys me the most, Bierhoff answered.

The former national team player clarified that he was angry with everyone. He emphasized that the entire team is responsible for the collapse, not individual individuals.

Bierhoff was asked if he feels his position is secure.

– I don’t ask myself this question yet. I know there will be more like that. I’ve been here for 18 years, so maybe you need to look at the big picture objectively. I’m not worried, I feel really good. I agree and I’m not arguing that we’ve had three bad tournaments.

A former national team icon working as an expert for the German Broadcasting Corporation Bastian Schweinsteiger asked Bierhoff if the German team currently lacks leadership.

– I have said this before. We lack the German efficiency we’ve always had, Bierhoff replied.

Müller said goodbye

Oliver Bierhoff was seen happy on the field in the Costa Rica match. PDO

German captain Manuel Neuer36, said after the game that he is ready to play for the national team again, if he is still called up.

Instead, 32 years old Thomas Müller gave a farewell speech after the final whistle, although he did not directly say that he was ending his national team career.

– This is a complete disaster. I don’t know what’s happening to me. If this was my last game in a German shirt, I would like to say a few words to the fans who have walked with me over the years, Müller spoke.

Müller thanked the fans for the wonderful moments and said that he gave his all on the field. The Bayern Munich forward was in Germany’s 2014 World Cup team. He scored 44 goals in 121 international matches. In Qatar, the goal balance did not increase anymore.

Thomas Müller left the field for perhaps the last time in the German national team. PDO

Sources: Bild, Welt
