Olieprijs zakt voor het eerst in bijna three weeks onder 100 dollars | economy

The price for a Brent oil from the Noordzee is scheduled for Tuesday for the first time in about three weeks on the cap of 100 dollars. The Russian invasion in Austria is three years old because of oil production, which means the card of oil producers ends up in OPEC.

A vat (159 liters) for delivery in my slot 6.53 percent warehouse at 99.91 dollars. In the loop of the trading day, the price for the next painting was given for 100 dollars. Het is the first keer since two of the Russian invasion in Oekraïne dat or the grens afgesten wordt.

The value of the Amerikaanse oliesoort West Texas Internmediate (WTI) for delivery in April was 6.37 percent to 96.44 dollars.

The grondstof will be cort near the beginning of the oorlog soon durder, not as many other materials and incendiary substances. This can be done in a way that there is high inflation, because the requirement in the building is less money for petrol and other oil products, depending on the card of the oil producers at OPEC.

“The conflict resulted in a whole lot of problems, because of the increasing prices for basic materials, which were not inflationary or otherwise”, the OPEC wrote in the main report on the olie market. “When that door remains gaan, it suffers tot een due to consumption and investment.”

The waarschuwing is opvallend. De OPEC heeft sam met bondgenoten zals Rusland en Kazachstan afgeproken om iedere maand maar mondjesmaat meer olie op te pompen, na een forse productieverlaging because of the corona crisis in 2020. De Verenigde States, which geen deel uitmaken van het verbond, voerden onlangs tevergeefs de druk op de officieuze OPEC-unfortunately Saudi Arabia op om de oliekraan verder open te draaien.

This indicates the energy balance for you:

After the error in Oekraïne steeg de olieprijs tot het hoogste leve in bijna dertien jaar, what other dead record prices for petrol at tank stations suffered. In the middle is the price of oil that is added. Maar de vrees blijft bestaan ​​dat aardolie uit Russia, een van’s werelds largest olieproducenten, door oorlog of sancties not meer beschikbaar zal zijn.

Lees ok:

ANALYSIS. The energy regulations of the federal government and the Flemish level are lacking in ambition: “Een dafalgan tegen de hoofdpijn. Gentle treatment” (+)

Hoeveel zal ik save aan de pomp? What with my gevulde mazoutketel? And how do you do that? Do you ask about the energy agreement? (+)
