Olga Carmona and Manu Sánchez, presenters of the Chimes on Canal Sur

12/11/2023 at 7:24 p.m.


A few days ago it was confirmed that Jenni Hermoso would be present on Spanish Television’s Campanadas

Olga Carmona and Manu Sanchez They will present the Chimes on Canal Sur. The Real Madrid player will join this tradition, when a few days ago it was confirmed that Jenni Hermoso would be present on the Spanish Television Chimes. The world champion with the Spanish National Team was one of the protagonists of the final against England and author of the winning goal.

The Andalusian will be one of the presenters of the Chimes in Canal Suraccompanied by an experienced comedian and presenter, Manu Sanchez. Both will host the special program of the regional channel, during the night of December 31, from the Plaza del Arenal, in Jerez de la Frontera.

This will be the first job of Carmona in the television world, disconnected from football. Formed in the quarry of Sevilla FCended up signing for the real Madrid in the 2020-21 season. The Sevillian player was key in the World Cup, serving as the team’s fourth captain.

At your side will be Manu Sanchez, which already has a successful track record on television. The Andalusian is a complete artist and has worked as an actor, comedian and presenter. Television has recently normalized his illness and the importance of living in the present.
