Olena Zelenska, wife of President Zelensky, is targeted by Russians, but has no intention of leaving Ukraine | Abroad

Ukrainian President Zelensky has known for some time that he would be a target of Russian troops who have been bombarding Ukraine with airstrikes and violence for more than a month. His wife Olena Zelenska and their children have also been hiding for weeks from possible assassination attempts, but have no intention of leaving Ukraine. The family keeps in touch by telephone. “Like any woman in Ukraine, I now fear for my husband. Every morning before I call him, I pray that everything goes well,” Zelenska wrote to ABC America.

Despite the great threat, President Zelensky reportedly turned down an offer from the US to help him with the evacuation, instead vowing to stay with his people. His wife, Olena Zelenska, their 9-year-old son Kyrylo and 17-year-old daughter Sasha have also stayed, even though the threat seems great to them too. Because his family lives in a safer part of Ukraine, Zelensky only communicates with them by phone. “Like any woman in Ukraine, I now fear for my husband,” Ms Zelenska wrote in a series of messages sent to ABC America through intermediaries. “Every morning before I call him, I pray that everything goes well.”

Comparison to Michelle Obama

Zelenska is now holed up with their two children in a secret bunker and using her social media to solicit support for Ukrainians fleeing the war. “Most Ukrainians only saw Olena Zelenska as the wife of the comedian who was their president. But now they’re comparing her to Michelle Obama,” close friend Ievgen Klopotenko told The Telegraph.

She has shared posts with her 2.7 million Instagram followers almost daily, describing the realities of the war and calling on diplomats and world leaders to lend aid on the humanitarian front. “What can you do? I am answering on behalf of Ukraine – more than three million Ukrainians who had to flee have already arrived in your countries,” she wrote. “These are women and children whose husbands and parents made a conscious choice to stay in Ukraine to fight. They’ve lost their homes, they’ve seen bomb shelters and death, they barely get any sleep at night worrying about loved ones and their whole future. Please keep them warm.”

“Stay on the side of peace and humanity”

France’s Brigitte Macron was one of the first to respond, helping to ensure the safe passage of 20 children from Ukraine to France to continue their cancer treatment safely. “I want to thank all the Europeans who are now helping our people, giving them shelter, feeding them, encouraging them…just like us, you were not prepared to have so many traumatized people in your country,” Ms Zelenska wrote in the newspaper Le Parisien.

“In the 21st century, Europe cannot get used to children falling asleep to the sound of grenades and not knowing if they will be alive tomorrow,” Zelenska said in a message for the ‘Save Ukraine’ charity concert, which will be held this weekend. was broadcast internationally. “Stay open, stay receptive. Stay on the side of peace and humanity. Then Ukraine’s victory will also be your victory.”

President Zelensky will address our House this afternoon at 2.15 pm and may examine Belgian diamond trade with Russia. An extra broadcast of VTM NIEUWS starts at 2.10 pm.


PORTRAIT. Ukraine’s secret weapon: First Lady Olena Zelenska (+)

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