‘Olcay and unsavory Ruud? What bad actors!’

Gerard Joling and Jan Slagter strongly criticized Olcay Gulsen and Ruud de Wild’s flop soap on Eva Jinek’s talk show last night. “I have never seen anything so bad.”


The soap opera by Olcay Gulsen and Ruud de Wild is a true ratings drama. They have almost achieved the impossible: playing the country’s best-watched TV channel NPO 1 from the top 25 viewing figure. That is a historic achievement. Jan Slagter: “I have seen this program once and you know, this is not real. This is scripted. These are plays.”

‘played so badly’

Gerard Joling fully agrees. He says in Jinek: “So badly played, Jan.”

Jan: “She wants to, you can tell, because she apparently has something to sell. He’s a bit into it: actually I’m a very tough DJ and I’m now in a soap opera with my wife and I occasionally let it be known that I don’t like it. “Do I have to get on that boat?!” They are well paid, there is no other way, but I really think this…”

‘All scripted’

Gerard thinks it’s bad TV. “I have never seen anything so bad when it comes to a real life soap. I’ve done it a lot myself, so I know what I’m talking about, and then you just have to let go of those cameras and just go. Then all sorts of things happen. Something nice will happen naturally. This is all scripted, it’s definitely not fun.”

He continues: “Even when they are in bed together, cuddle. That is not real. I find him very unsavory to look at, to Ruud de Wild, I must say. Anyway. That’s my personal taste. Secondly, I think Olcay is a very nice woman in real life. A sweetheart, a handsome one, but this is so badly acted. That the NPO broadcasts this!”

“Do you have to?”

Antoinnette Scheulderman is also critical. “I also think it’s acted. I hear a lot of ugly about the first two broadcasts. I always think: is that necessary? But then I went to watch the third one because I’m sitting here, and it took forever.”

She continues: “Terrible, I can’t say anything else. She also talks about her products and her cosmetics line. He is standing in his studio with his artwork. Is it actually allowed at the NPO that you make a kind of surreptitious advertisement for what you do all the time?”

New glasses

Jan: “There is something to sell!”

Gerard: “It is winning souls in this real-life soap. It is not fair and certainly not sincere.”

Remco van Westerloo, the TV boss of the NPO, is playing nicely again. He says that postponed everything is fine. Gerard: “I would get new glasses. That is absolute bullshit.”
