Oil 31, what it is, what it is for and how to use the Swiss elixir

vVersatile, practical, with balsamic and toning properties: Olio 31 is one of the most historic blends on the beauty scene. Real passe-partout, it is an ally of well-being for the person but also for the environments, as it helps purify and purify the air. And although it is offered by different brands, its formulation has remained unchanged for over eighty years.

Olio 31, from the Swiss Alps, a must have

Created in the Thirties by Ulrich Jüstrich, Olio 31 was born in Switzerland, in Walzenhausen. L’goal was a formula based on natural ingredients, in very high concentration, multifunction, for various needs.

“Mainly the formula of Olio 31 is composed of 100% natural ingredients obtained from 31 – as the name suggests – plants chosen for their optimal interaction» explain dai Harbor Phytorelax Laboratories, company based in Bologna, specialized in the search for natural ingredients to offer well-being and relaxation. A formulation so effective and recognizable that around it the brand has developed a complete line for the body consisting of shower gel and scrub, body cream and massage cream.

Between distillation and maceration, the plants selected for Olio 31

«The particular formulation of this oil it gives great well-being not only to the body but also to the mind. Has balsamic, toning but also purifying and revitalizing properties. It is also easily absorbed and non-greasy» explain the laboratories.

Processed by distillation, pressing or maceration, the Olio 31 plants have all been selected for their particular beneficial properties on the body and mind and are all used in very high concentrations.

L‘eucalyptus, for example, it was chosen because it soothes coughs and seasonal ailments while there‘orange it is rebalancing and toning like the cinnamon. Then there’s the lavender, famous for its relaxing properties. There sagehowever, for its purifying functions.

Oil 31: all uses

True ally of well-being, this product can be used pure, very few drops are enough, or diluted. Also excellent against coughs and colds, due to its balsamic action.

“Oil 31 can be used all over the body. First of all on the scalp: in fact, 4-5 drops are enough to rub into dry hair to purify and tone the hair and roots. While 1-2 drops are enough to massage to brighten and tone the face. For men’s skin, up to three drops are needed to refresh but above all to revitalize the skin after shaving» they explain from the company.

But it is also ideal for the extremities: absorbed on the hands, it softens the cuticleswhile 10 drops are needed on the legs to give immediate relief after long walks.

It is also perfect for the feet because it performs a de-fatiguing function during the footbath. «For this reason Olio 31 is always been recommended pre or post physical activity. First, in fact, a maximum of four drops on the affected area are enough to awaken it and give energy; afterwards, however, up to 5 drops, to be rubbed slowly to cool down ».

Also not to be underestimated is the fact that Olio 31 can be diluted in the bathtub, from 15 to 20 drops, for an soothing and stimulating. The extra tip? On the body, before going to sleep, it has a relaxing effect and induces sleep.

