Oh you touching organ grinder

The International Barrel Organ Festival is taking place for the 42nd time. Also present is Seraphin (75) from Belgium with the monkey puppet Helmut Photo: Olaf Selchow

From the BZ editorial team

There was organ-playing again on Saturday… and it continues on Sunday!

For the 42nd time, barrel organ musicians from all over the world met at Breitscheidplatz for the International Barrel Organ Festival. Since Friday, 140 barrel organ players from ten countries have been showing what they’re capable of. The highlight of the festival yesterday was the “Parade of the Barrel Organ Players” from Bleibtreustrasse to Breitscheidplatz.

With a lot of music we head towards Breitscheidplatz Photo: Olaf Selchow

Sunday from 12 p.m. the barrel organ players will introduce themselves on Breitscheidplatz and then, at 3 p.m., invite you to the classic barrel organ concert in the Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church. To go crazy.


Berlin Culture Breitscheidplatz Kudamm Music
