Oh, Weco: Jan Delay criticizes fireworks manufacturers

Jan Delay criticizes the fireworks manufacturer Weco on Twitter. On January 1, he shared two slogans on your social network that the company puts on paper with its table fireworks and crackers. The musician comments on the two supposed jokes with “What kind of misogynist shit is that please?” and “Happy 1953”. The 46-year-old is particularly struck by the fact that fireworks are approved for children over the age of three.

Under his post, people shared similar experiences with Weco’s items. A user posted two more of the alleged jokes and wrote: “And I thought that might be a random outlier, two rarely stupid sayings in one package. Obviously it’s different. Not possible!” Other commentators wrote that they had “expected nothing else” from fireworks manufacturers.

Weco responded to a request from wa.de and commented on the sayings. The company regrets that the sayings came into circulation. You can “only agree at this point that the content presented is neither funny, tasteful nor up-to-date.” The fireworks manufacturer rejects discrimination “in any form”. He also apologized “to all people who feel offended and attacked by the texts”.

Five years ago, Weco saw itself in a similar situation – at that time the company was accused of misogyny because of similar sayings. The manufacturer reacted at the time and “subjected all textual content to an extensive revision”. Since then, the texts are no longer included in the new product batches.

Weco allegedly knew nothing about the production of the texts currently being criticized. The products “will be manufactured externally after prior coordination of all content”. The sayings quoted were processed without the knowledge of the company. “The facts were discussed with all producers and the corresponding consequences were brought about in the form of product changes,” explained Weco.
