Oh man! Thanks to Deutsche Bahn and a declaration of love

The railway has now hung the sign next to the window Photo: Oliver Ohmann

By Oliver Ohmann

You have to give the railway one thing: It keeps what it promises. At least at the Messe Nord train station.

The prank has disappeared. One remembers: A sign was screwed into the middle of an art installation. Now everything is fine again and as a reporter you are a bit proud in such cases.

Always good when work makes an impact. As a young reporter, I once drove through Berlin with a photo colleague. On the way, Harald told a story at almost every corner.

He had literally mapped the city in stories big and small. 20 years later I feel the same way. At this time of year I always get the same feeling: how beautiful Berlin is! I feel the warmth of spring, see the blossoms of the ornamental cherries on Bornholmer Straße.

I forget the stress and the traffic jams and the garbage. I feel my city that is unique. Here is not Cologne, Hamburg or Munich, not New York, Sydney or Shanghai. Here is Hermsdorf, Köpenick and Lichtenrade – I wouldn’t want to live anywhere else.


Bahn art love fair Oliver Ohmann
