Official Juve Milik: announcement, formula and definitive figures

Immediately, the Polish will cost 800 thousand euros plus the same amount of bonuses: at the end of the year no obligations or conditions but only the right to redeem at the fixed amount of 7 million plus a couple of any bonuses.

After the landing in Turin immortalized by the official channels and the usual visits to J Medical, only the announcement was missing and now it has arrived, on the eve of the championship match with Rome: Arkadiusz Milik is a Juventus player and arrives with the formula of the loan. After a few days of negotiation, there was curiosity about the final terms of the deal.

Official figures

Arek Milik therefore arrives on a temporary basis until June 2003 for 800 thousand euros plus the same amount of bonuses “for the achievement of certain sporting objectives”, in addition to 100 thousand euros of ancillary costs. Any redemption at the end of the loan is neither mandatory nor conditional but a right on the part of Juventus “against an agreed consideration of 7 million, payable in three years” to which up to two more bonuses could be added “upon reaching of certain sporting goals “. At Juventus Milik will receive a salary on the same level as he had in Marseille.
