Officer punched in the face during football riots in Schilderswijk the Hague

During riots in the Schilderswijk in The Hague, an officer was hit in the face last night. The woman is doing reasonably well under the circumstances, the police reported Friday.

Editorial The Hague

Sep 23 2022

Latest update:

After the football match between Luxembourg and Turkey, Turkish fans flocked to the Vailliantlaan to celebrate the promotion in the Nations League. The atmosphere soon turned grim. Bicycles, a scooter and a waste container were set on fire. Emergency services were also pelted. Dozens of young people threw heavy fireworks and glass at the fire brigade and the police.

Police officers approached the youths and asked them to leave the location. A 20-year-old resident of The Hague did not respond to this and refused to leave. He was spoken to sternly by officers several times but did not cooperate. The man then lunged at one of the officers and punched her in the face. The officer suffered minor injuries. He was immediately overpowered and taken to a police station.

It took a few hours before calm returned to the Schilderswijk.

The 20-year-old suspect was immediately overpowered © Region15
