Officer hit in the head with a trumpet: carnival band fights with police

Members of a carnival orchestra clashed with the police in the center of Oeteldonk (Den Bosch) on Saturday. One of the members of the orchestra, an older woman, even hits a police officer on the head with a trumpet.

In the video on the video website Dumpert, one of the members of the orchestra CV De Maystros is arrested. According to the police, this was preceded by a fight elsewhere in the city.

“They were then ordered to leave the city and the center. At first it seemed that they did this, but officers saw that the group walked back into the center,” said a police spokesperson.

“The group was approached again by officers, including an officer on a bicycle. He was then pushed off his bicycle by several people and a man punched him in the face. This man was arrested.”

The arrest then proceeded with difficulty, as can be seen from the images. The man resists while he is surrounded by orchestra members, almost all of whom are elderly. Many of the musicians interfere with the arrest as officers try to keep them away from the arrested man.

Then, out of nowhere, an older woman runs into the picture to hit a helmeted officer on the head with a trumpet. She is immediately grabbed by another officer. Band members try to pull her away from the officer, who eventually gets help from one of his colleagues.

During this spectacle, the orchestra members continue to push and pull on police officers and other musicians. An older woman is held back by a man with one arm while he holds up his beer with the other hand.

CV De Maystros posted a message on Facebook on Sunday.

“What started yesterday as a great day ended abruptly this late afternoon in disbelief, with a lot of sadness and emotion. We do not understand how this situation could have escalated like this. And that was not our intention either,” said the orchestra.


Things also went wrong elsewhere in Den Bosch on Saturday, Thijm was seriously injured
