Office safe emptied and employees injured – wanted!

From the BZ editorial team

Who saw this man? He is said to have broken into the safe of a company on Am Bahnhof Westend street around 8 p.m. on June 19, 2022 and stole money. He is also said to have injured a 24-year-old employee and locked him in the office.

With the publication of photos from surveillance cameras, the police are now hoping for help from the population to finally catch the unknown man.

The man is said to have threatened the employee on the ground floor of the office building with a knife. According to the police, when he took her cell phone and wallet, there was an argument in which the woman suffered scratches on her face and neck.

The stranger then tampered with the safe and disappeared with five-digit cash.

The police ask:

► Who can provide information about the identity of the perpetrator?
► Who can provide information on the perpetrator’s whereabouts?
► Who can provide further relevant information about the crime or the perpetrator?

Who saw this man?

Who saw this man? Photo: Police Berlin

Please contact the police on (030) 4664 273 113 or (030) 4664 273 110 or (030) 4664 273 110 (030) 4664 271 100 (outside office hours). Notices can also be sent to the internet watch or any other police station.


Berlin police manhunt police manhunt Westend
