Off | Max Eberl: “I don’t want anything to do with this football, with you guys”

The rumors about Eberl’s early departure from Gladbach made the rounds on Thursday. It is now clear: Max Eberl is resigning with immediate effect. He gave the reasons in a moving press conference.

The end of Max Eberl’s 23-year era at Borussia Mönchengladbach was tantamount to a cry for help. No new club, no corona frustration, no sporting decline of his heart club, which was in relegation trouble – the football business had made him ill, the 48-year-old long-time sports director of Borussia justified his immediate departure on Friday. “It was an honor for me to work here,” said Eberl with tears in his eyes, first hugged Vice President Rainer Bonhof and then hugged other long-standing employees. “I’m ending something that was my life.”

After 13 years as sports director, Eberl says he no longer has the strength for the job. “The person Max Eberl is exhausted and tired. I no longer have the strength to do this job as the club needs it,” said Eberl with remarkable openness. He kept stopping and wiping tears from his eyes.

“Just get out and be Max Eberl”

“I just want to get out, I just don’t want to have anything to do with this football right now. I want to have fun. I want to be Max Eberl,” said the man who was the face of the five-time German champions for a long time, but now Borussia abruptly leaving just before the end of the transfer window on Monday. Eberl is aware that this hits the club at the wrong time. “For the first time in my life, I’m thinking of myself.”

Clubs pay respect to Eberl

Several clubs from the Bundesliga and the 2nd division paid tribute to the former sports director Max Eberl for the open words with which the 48-year-old justified his withdrawal from Borussia Mönchengladbach on Friday. The German soccer record champion FC Bayern Munich tweeted: “Greatest respect for the person Max Eberl and his work for Borussia Mönchengladbach. We wish him all the best and health, because it is the most important thing.” Rhenish rivals 1. FC Köln followed suit: “In spite of all the rivalry: respect for this decision, Max Eberl. Health comes first.”

VfL Bochum, Hertha BSC and Werder Bremen were also among the clubs that wished Eberl all the best for his future. In a tearful press conference, he had previously declared his immediate departure from twelfth-placed Mönchengladbach, citing health reasons. “Max Eberl’s decision shows that there is still a health and well-being apart from muscles and fiber tears that we have to take care of more,” wrote Bundesliga relegated FC Schalke 04 on Twitter.

You can read the most important statements from him and the club bosses at Borussia here.

1:45 p.m. – Welcome to the live ticker for the Borussia Mönchengladbach press conference.

1:49 p.m. – Surprisingly, several media reported yesterday that Max Eberl intends to resign as sporting director of Borussia Mönchengladbach. We will get clarity from 2 p.m. when Eberl himself and the Borussia bosses appear before the press.

1:53 p.m. – It’s supposed to start in a few minutes in Borussia Park.

2:01 p.m. – The PC begins. The protagonists step onto the podium: Eberl, President Königs, Vice Bonhof and Managing Director Schippers take their seats.

2:02 p.m. – Markus Aretz, Director of Corporate Communications, opened the press round with the words: “It’s clear why we met here today. It’s not a nice day for Borussia Mönchengladbach.”

2:03 p.m. – Aretz gives the floor to Eberl, who is in tears struggling for words.

2:05 p.m. – Eberl highly emotional: “No frustration, no love, nothing is the reason for my resignation. The person Max Eberl is tired. I have to draw a line. I’ve gotten to the point that I have to say, I have to get out, I have to take care of my health.”

2:07 p.m. – Now President Königs speaks: “Not a nice day, a crap day. When Max spoke to us about it for the first time in October last year, we were shocked. We tried to change his mind. We didn’t succeed.”

2:09 p.m. – Königs continued: “We are sad. But: We will continue in the style of the Borussia culture. To fill the gap that is there, to achieve our goals.”

2:11 p.m. – Vice President Rainer Bonhof now has the floor: “We will not comment on any other speculation. We will follow the Borussia path and remain true to ourselves. We wish Max all the best and a good recovery in his health.”

2:15 p.m. – Eberl: “I never would have thought 13 months ago, when I extended my contract, that I would be sitting here now.”

2:18 p.m. – “I couldn’t find a button and say: Ok, now you do less,” Eberl continued, fighting back tears. “If anyone here thinks I’m doing this because of a change of club – please forget it.” I just want to get out, I want to have fun, just be Max Eberl, see the world.” Clear words.

2:22 p.m. – President Koenig admits: “We didn’t register it that way, the development in the last few months. We know Max Eberl as a stable, hard-working man. We didn’t realize that it was such a burden for him.”

2:24 p.m. – Managing Director Schippers: “I’m losing a friend and partner. Max was and has always been reliable. With all the pressure and the various issues, that’s not the norm.”

2:26 p.m. – Eberl: “It’s hard to admit that sometimes you’re not strong. The club couldn’t tell because I was just doing my job and I didn’t reveal how I was really doing.”

2:29 p.m. – Eberl continues: “There isn’t one rash. I just want to be able to look in the mirror every day. And at the moment I couldn’t give what the club deserved for the job. That’s when I became more aware. In the direction of Eberl told journalists: “I don’t want anything to do with this football anymore – and now I’ll say it heretical – have anything to do with you.”

2:32 p.m. – Königs on the search for a successor: “Of course it’s very fresh. We’ve already defined it internally. We’ll look around externally.”

2:34 p.m. – Bonhof adds: “We had hoped that we would be able to end the season with Max. However, it became clear yesterday that this is not possible due to Max’s health. We have already spoken internally, but nothing has been decided yet.”

2:36 p.m. – Eberl: “The club asked me what I thought of various candidates. I gave them my opinion. I think it’s not a bad moment for the club to take a new path, to hear something new. I’m very sure there will be a good successor.”

2:37 p.m. – Königs again on the possible successor to Max Eberl: “He should fit in well with us factually, professionally and in terms of character. That is our top priority.”

2:38 p.m. – Eberl wishes “that the focus is on football and not all the trappings”. Eberl cites the development since yesterday as an example: “On social media, people are insulted for allegedly going to another club. But the person it affects hasn’t even said a word about it.”

2:40 p.m. – Eberl has the final word: “No one needs to worry about me. I’ll be gone, like Hape Kerkeling. I won’t walk the Way of St. James. I’m not fit enough for that. It was an honor for me to work here. Thank you.”

2:42 p.m. – This is the end of the emotional press conference in Mönchengladbach.


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