Oekraïense centrale in buurt van frontlinie met: “Wees zuinig met elektriciteit” | Buitenland

“Vanmiddag a lot of vijand a thermal centrale in the area that borders on the front”, aldus the Oekraïense Ministry of Energy. “The infrastructure is damaged and two different buildings are in disrepair.”

On the other hand, you can get enough electricity for a long time. The ministry is responsible for the consumption of “the workers in the energy sector can help”. “Spring on a Wijze in Zuinige Manner om met de elektriciteit, vooral tijdens de piekuren van 9 to 19 o’clock,” says het.

The Oekraïense population takes the road from the toestellen to which the veel of injuries never takes place in the sluices in what was once again at night. Handelszaken came into the world of light advertising in the light. Last winter Russia was also bombarded by the energy sources of the Netherlands.
