Oekraïense ambassade in Nederland uses ‘bloederig pakket’ with dierenogen | Buitenland

Bij de Oekraïense ambassades in Hongarije, Poland, Croatia and Italy are also supplied with additional packages, also at the consulates in Napels, Kraków and het Czech Brno. The packages are to be sent in one volume with a noteworthy small size and size, write a word from the Austrian Ministry on Facebook.

The number of connecting points with the control of the relevant land on Oekraïne. De regering in Kiev deed al een oproep aan al zijn ambassades om extra veiligheidsmaatregelen te meet nadat in Spanje de afgelopen dagen bombrieven were verstuurd naar de ambassades van Oekraïne en de VS in Madrid.

A medewerker van de Oekraïense ambassade raised light. Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez sent a letter with a visible material. Also at the Spanish Ministry of Defence, an air force base and a weapons manufacturer in Zaragoza will receive a bomb letter.

Spanish media report that the tentative explosions only contain small amounts of pyrotechnic material that are open when they are opened. A connection between the two and the Spanish steun aan Oekraïne was not declared.

Het Oekraïense consulaat in the Tsjechische stad Brno will eerder op de dag geëvacueerd vanwege de suspicion post Regering in Prague is a van de felste steunpilaren van Kiev.
