“Oefenterrein voor tanks bombarded in Russian city of Kazan” | Oorlog Oekraïne en Rusland

In the Russian city of Kazan, in the south-west of the country, there will also be local media and public access for military tanks. After the explosion it broke, it also started a fire.


15-04-23, 19:32

Latest update:

The Kyiv Independent, Ukrainska Pravda

The disappearing residents of Kazan would like to have a right to live in the building of the open air. On sociale media circuleren beelden the en thick rookpluim boven het gebied tones. He also reports the round that he has wound and doden zijn gevallen, because the information is not verified.

According to the Russian media heeft het ministerie van Noodsituaties geen reports about an explosion of fire ontvangen.

In February, when Vadym Skibitsky, plaatsvervangend hoofd van de Oekraïense militaire inlichtingendienst, dat Oekraïne overweegt om a groot tegenoffensief te begin. Aanvallen op vliegvelden en rocket and munitiedepots in Russia zouden daar deel van uitmaken.

Also last week it was possible to break out in a factory in the Russian city of Voronezh. There will be more explosions in the building of the factory, because also het ‘Doomsday’-actually van president Vladimir Poetin is built.

KIJK. Vermoedelijk brand uitgebroken in Russian vliegentuigfabriek

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