Obstruction, Alienation and Impediment | News

There are more and more judicial proposals for precautionary requests for provisional communication regimes in the face of obstruction or impediment of paternal-filial contact.

In the best of cases, the family courts intervene and, in the worst, the criminal jurisdiction.

The ruling will not resolve the conflict, because it is not legal but binding.

As lawyers we get closer to this reality when we access concepts that allow us to get closer to understanding the dynamics of conflicts. This is possible in subjects such as General Family Psychology, taught by Drs. Zanuso and Bikel in the UBA Postgraduate Course on Family Law, Children and Adolescents, which is taught at the San Isidro Bar Association.

How far the law is from the emotional elaboration that family cases require!

If the process of mourning the separation takes at least two years, what are the consequences of express divorce when the ruling bursts into that painful process and abruptly cuts it off?

How many of the conflicts that arise in relation to the contact of children with non-cohabiting parents are a necessary consequence of the lack of time required for the emotional elaboration of a separation process?

Spouses and cohabitants separate, there is no divorce or parental-filial separation. The parental relationship will continue throughout the child’s life.

Looking for new ways that allow parents to understand the consequences of an act of contact obstruction, I found the “Trapped” videos on the YouTube channel of the NGO Infancia Compartida.

There, some personalities from the show recount their experiences as children unable to contact.

The interesting thing about the view that Trapped conveys is that it is the first time that we can listen to these children – now adults – about the experience of having gone through those processes where they were in the middle of a conflict between their parents.

They are not expressions in a judicial document, they are not argumentative creations, they are the real feelings of those children who could not see their parents due to the action of the other parent.

Does it really matter what we call the process? Obstruction? Alienation? Impediment? The behavior exists, it is a reality and the consequences are visible in Trapped.

The conclusion after watching the videos is that for every child it is important that their parent not give up in that battle to see them again, because that allows them to reaffirm that they are important to their parent.

Children carry their mother and father within them. Denying one of them implies rejecting that part of the child and this damages him.

For inquiries: @rupturasinteligentes, @infanciacompartida, @areaacademicacasi


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