Obodo kidnapped twice: A noir series from Zara

He played in Serie A, he was talented but also easily injured, while he was going to mass they took him by force and asked his family for a ransom. A tight negotiation, action movie scenes, then it’s all over? No, because eight years later…

He was in the car, he was maneuvering, trying to park as close to the church as possible. They were waiting for him for mass. It all happened quickly. Three people – according to the reconstructions of witnesses – blocked the car and forcibly took him away, forcing him to get into another car. They followed in order: the screeching, the dust from the earth that rises, the escape. Then after a moment of collective dismay – many had witnessed the scene – everything returned to normal because in Nigeria that – unfortunately – was normal. The faithful took their places in the church, the priest began mass. In Warri it was nine in the morning on June 9, 2012.
