Objective 5: we are waiting for you in Rome to talk about training and the future

M.still a few days to Goal 5 (the title refers to the UN 2030 Agenda), the training campus on gender equality that will take place atLa Sapienza University of Rome Friday 11 and Saturday 12 (with an inaugural event on 10 at MAXXI). Organized by Corriere della Sera, The 27th Hour, iO Donna, Le Contemporanee and from the same university, this first edition offers 24 workshops, 5 live sessions, debates and individual meetings to reflect together and understand where we are with gender equality today.

All events will be in attendance (live inquiries also streamed on courier. it), open to all and free of charge. Just book on the site objective5.itwhere you will also find information on the program. The choice between the appointments is very rich: ranging from live surveys on young people and Europe or on women and power, training or ecological transition, to workshops on start-ups, rights, work but also parenting and health.

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The 1: 1 meetings of iO Donna

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To underline the One to one, organized by iO Donna: individual meetings lasting about half an hour, on Fridays, and Saturdays from 11 to 17.30. A unique opportunity to test yourself with specialists on tests and exercises useful for entering the world of work, for orientation or for starting over. Those who register for the meeting of Giunti Psychometrics, “Personality Test: Do You Really Know Who You Are?”, will be able to calmly carry out the 16PF-5 test at home, widely used for recruitment, and have it returned in presence; But npower with “Curriculum Vitae 2.0” will help everyone to enhance their uniqueness; Young Women Network will propose “Mentoring: how to break the glass ceiling”; “EF: How much English do you know?” will allow you to take an English test with level certification and will propose the simulation of a job interview in English. Reservations by email: onetoone@ Objective5.it

