NVWA finds tiger mosquitoes again at tire company in Assen | Inland

Asian tiger mosquitoes can transmit more than twenty viral diseases such as dengue fever, Zika, chikungunya, West Nile virus and various types of brain infections. The small, striped mosquitoes are not native to the Netherlands. They mainly hitchhike on bamboo plants and imported car tires.


According to Wilfred Reinhold of the platform, tire importers are obliged to import and store car tires dry. Tiger mosquitoes lay their eggs in leftover standing water. “If companies followed the regulations, tiger mosquitoes would never be found,” Reinhold said.

According to him, the fact that tiger mosquitoes have been found at the company in Assen for ten years in a row proves that the NVWA is not taking enforcement action. That is why the platform has filed a lawsuit against the government at the court in Amsterdam. Stop invasive exotics, the NVWA had already taken it to court over the tiger mosquito and won the case.
