Nutrients, amounts and recipes: you want to know these facts about meat

A hamburger from the barbecue, a blind finch at dinner, a tasty meat filling at lunch or a large dollop of filet americain on a cracker at breakfast. If you like meat, you will enjoy eating it at any time of the day. But is this actually good for your body?

Bee they know all about this. This is the platform for the meat lover. Here you will find all information about veal, beef and pork and their production. is an initiative of the Dutch meat sector and attaches great importance to being able to provide all the information and answer questions about meat and its production.

Rich in nutrients emphasizes that meat contains many valuable substances, so that our bodies can function properly. Building materials in meat are vitamins B1, B6 and B12, vitamin D, iron, zinc, proteins and fats. These nutrients all have their own role in controlling our body. The most important vitamin is vitamin B12. This ensures cell division, is of great importance in the maintenance of nerve cells and it prevents anemia. Vitamins B1, B6 and D ensure a strong skeleton and better digestion of carbohydrates, fats and proteins.

Proteins are food for the construction of organs, bones, muscles, blood and the nervous system. Did you know that an adult human consists of about twelve kilograms of protein? Animal proteins (from meat or milk) have a more favorable composition than vegetable proteins (bread, vegetables). This means that they are also processed faster in your body and absorbed into your blood. If you omit meat, you need to eat a lot more vegetable protein or choose other animal products to get the right amount of nutrients.

Italian meatball | Photo:

Amount of meat per person per day

The amount of meat you could eat in a day to get enough good nutrients depends on your age or gender. Children need a lot of nutrients to grow. These nutrients can therefore very well come from meat, fish, chicken and eggs.

As children continue to grow, the need for good nutrients, which are mainly found in meat, also increases. Growth takes a lot of energy, which must therefore be supplied and supplied. Don’t just think about physical growth, growing bigger, but also about the development of the nervous system, the brain and strong bones.

Adults and seniors also benefit from the many nutrients that meat has to offer. This certainly also applies to seniors, to stay vital, but also at an advanced age when the body still needs extra strength.

The amount of meat you could choose depends on the age, but also differs for boys and girls. Which amount is best for you depends on it… But beware: meat loses about a quarter of its weight (moisture) during preparation (baking or roasting). So you need 100 grams of fresh meat to have (net) 75 grams on your plate or on your sandwich. In any case, meat fits perfectly into a healthy and varied diet and lifestyle.

Let’s get cooking

In addition to all information about different types of meat, you will also find many recipes on Extra handy: almost all recipes contain the nutritional values ​​per person. So you know exactly whether you are meeting your minimum nutritional values ​​with that dish. For example, how about steak Wellington or ham with honey or veal escalope with spicy mango salsa

Learn everything about (red) meat

Do you also want to know and learn everything about meat? Then take a look at For example, read a blog about how you can best your meat brining and marinating or follow one of the mini masterclasses and learn how to make béarnaise sauce for steak.
