Nursery bonus 2024: how and where it is requested, what’s new

L‘Inps, finally, gave the green light to applications for the asylum bonus by publishing the message with all the information to request reimbursement for attendance in 2024. The application can be submitted until December 31st.

On the children's side, #WITHMEWITHYOU

In the message, the Social Security Institute also summarizes the innovations that came into force this year, one of which is the most important: with the latest 2024 budget law, in fact, the contribution for the nursery has been increased. Not for everyone, however: the increase, in fact, is reserved for children following the first, who are entitled to an increase of 600 euros per year compared to what is generally expected.

Kindergarten bonus, applications are now open

With the approval of INPS, you can then begin to submit the request for the contribution. It is important to remember that to obtain the bonus you must have already paid at least one of the fees for which you are requesting a refund. To be clearer, the application can only be sent for children who they already attend the nursery. Parents who have only enrolled their child in kindergarten have to wait a little longer.

What it is and how it works

The nursery bonus is a contribution created to help families cover part of the costs of nursery school fees in order to promote the much sought after conciliation between parents’ work and life times. The bonuses have existed since 2016 and have been renewed over the years. The 2024 Budget Law confirmed this valid until December 31st.

The nursery subsidy covers:

  • the payment of fees relating to attendance at public and private nursery schools authorized by local authorities;
  • the use of forms of support at homein favor of children under three years of age suffering from serious chronic pathologies.

The nursery bonus has been renewed and increased, but only under certain conditions (Getty Images)

The amounts of the nursery bonus

The amount of the reimbursement varies depending on the indicator of the economic situation of the family unit, the so-called Isee and for 2024 it was gradually raised. The values ​​to take into account, therefore, are the following:

  • a maximum of 3 thousand euros (ten installments of 272.73 euros and one of 272.70 euros) with ISEE valid minors up to 25,000.99 euros;
  • maximum of 2,500 euros (ten installments of 227.27 euros and one of 227.30 euros) with ISEE for minors from 25,001 euros up to 40,000 euros;
  • a maximum of 1,500 euros (ten installments of 136.37 euros and one of 136.30 euros) in the following cases: ISEE for minors over the aforementioned threshold 40 thousand euros, no ISEE for minors, IEEE with omissions and/or discrepancies in personal property data and/or self-declared income data, conflicting ISEE, ISEE for minors not calculable.

The increase from the second child

As for what’s new for 2024, it is true that the budget law has revised the amountsbut the increase will only concern families with these requirements:

  • new born from 1 January 2024;
  • presence of at least one child under the age of 10 and a regular minor ISEE of up to 40 thousand euros.

For those who satisfy both of the above conditions, the new amount of the nursery bonus is increased to one amount equal to 2,100 euros and we therefore have the following maximum amounts:

  • 3,600 euros (ten installments of 327.27 euros and one of 327.30 euros) with valid ISEE for minors up to 40,000 euros;
  • 1,500 euros (ten installments of 136.37 euros and one of 136.30 euros) with ISEE for minors exceeding 40,000 euros.

The maximum amount of 1,500 euros is also due in the event of the absence of ISEE for minors, ISEE containing omissions and/or discrepancies in the personal property data and/or self-declared income data, or conflicting ISEE.

Requirements and deadlines

With the message dated March 11th, INPS confirmed the procedure insertion of questions of nursery bonus for this year and has established the deadline which will be no later than 31 December 2024. The conditions for accessing the benefit are:

  • the request must come from the person who directly supports the payment of the fee;
  • this individual must belong to the same family unit as the minor;
  • in the case of the contribution for home care, the residence of the boy or girl and the parent requesting the benefit must coincide.

They can also apply for the nursery bonus:

  • stateless foreigners, political refugees or holders of international protection equivalent to an Italian citizen;
  • Blue Card holders, “highly qualified worker”;
  • workers from Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia for whom the Euro-Mediterranean agreements between the European Union and these countries provide for the general right to equal treatment with European citizens;
  • self-employed workers holding permits, for which inclusion among the potential beneficiaries is motivated by the fact that the law does not discriminate between self-employed and dependent work;
  • people in possession of the following permits: subordinate work lasting at least six months;
  • seasonal work lasting at least six months; minor assistance; special protection; special cases; residence in Italy.

How to submit an application

What should the parent who intends to request the contribution do at this point? First prepare all the documentation necessary for the application: therefore the valid ISEE, documentation certifying attendance at nursery school or, in the case of home care for pathologies, the necessary medical documentation. The question must be submitted online then you will have to access the INPS portalwith their SPID (Public Digital Identity System) credentials, Electronic Identity Card (CIE) or National Services Card (CNS).

Once logged in, search for the service Nursery bonus and forms of support at home“ and follow the instructions to complete the online application, entering all the required data and attaching the necessary documentation. After completing the application with all the necessary documents and sending it electronically, you will need to wait for the INPS to evaluate the request and communicate the outcome. If you don’t want to do everything online yourself, you can always turn to a patronage body.

