Núñez Feijóo I Alberto’s pizza, by Josep Cuní

While following a harsh diet and to alleviate the frequent moments of uneasiness caused by drastic food reductions, a ‘former minister’ of the Generalitat was comforting himself with the luck of Sunday night. It was the moment of compensation for so much weekly sacrifice. One pizza allowed.

Something similar happened last holiday to Alberto Núñez Feijóo (Orense, September 10, 1961). That after a week of bustling between Madrid and Santiago to take the measure of his new challenge, he went with his wife to have dinner one of the six specialties that are offered in a place in A Coruña, where tranquility does not have price.

That Italy has colonized the world through pasta and pizza, nobody ignores it. Nor that this originally Neapolitan delicacy has become a the healthiest of fast foods. Hence, solving any unforeseen event with a pizza is today the most common thing in families, despite the warning of Bruce Willis: “As far as I’m concerned, the world went down on frozen pizzas” (‘The Jungle 2: Red Alert’, 1990).

We were all able to see live the arrival of a few square boxes, characteristic of their packaging, at the PSOE headquarters in full discussion of its federal committee to force the resignation of Pedro Sánchez for not facilitating the investiture of Mariano Rajoy (2016). There is no evidence, however, that the PP made the same request to appease the need at the meeting two weeks ago. When the barons were going to tell Paul Married what we all knew. that his time had come. They were some of the same ones who had applauded him in the morning with the hands that had sharpened the knives that would stab him at night. Those who conspired to support whoever had become the desired one to renew forces and rehabilitate structures. The one who had already done it in Galicia, taking over from Don Manuel (Fraga), whose slogan followed: “you can be a Galician without being a nationalist, which is a betrayal of Spain and the Constitution”.

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Núñez Feijóo himself who was letting himself be loved. The one who ended up presenting more than 55,000 guarantees when he only needed 100. Who said that he did not come to insult Pedro Sánchez, but to beat him. Who tomorrow will share a day with his potential rival and the rest of the regional presidents in La Palma, to request an urgent VAT reduction on gas and electricity. The president of the Xunta himself who, the day after announcing that Spain needs a new policy that listens and offers moderation and serenity, He accepted that his party in Castilla y León introduced Vox to power for the first time.

Of course, he has sought an adequate response to justify what his colleague Alfonso Fernández Mañueco has done, whom he helped so much to win the elections and to whom he granted the right to decide with whom he wanted or could govern. There was no other arithmetically viable option, he said, provoking the socialists for not facilitating it. And this is how he faces what lies ahead and for what he says he is prepared: to open a new time in the game and in Spain. These are the ingredients of the new popular pizza. The accusation, the day before, of Cuca Gamarra Pedro Sánchez to take advantage of the war in Ukraine was only the traditional base. Tomato.
