Núñez Feijóo and the lightness of the campaign

“Anyone who permanently wants to reach higher has to expect that one day vertigo will invade them & rdquor ;. Milan Kundera. He wasn’t the only one. From the origins of philosophy and reason other voices warned of the risk that accompanies ambition. As certain as without it there is no progress.

Politicians are often attributed a negative reading of this vehement desire for power. They justify themselves by alluding to the need to change things, to improve the situation, to work for the common good. Explanations that the opposition will reverse by confronting words with facts. Faced with the contrast, they all succumb because no one can put up with their own past. Or according to Kundera: “All things and people appear in disguise & rdquor ;.

when it was published ‘The Unbearable Lightness of Being’, In the mid-eighties, showing a copy was a sign of distinction. Intellectual, of course. It is what currents have that hide behind the snobbery professed by a certain left-wing cultural classism: which becomes a prelude to Enlightened Despotism. If you didn’t quote that novel, you were hardly anyone. But the density of the text in particular, as well as the intensity of the work of the literary genius who died this week, prompted many to hide that they had not gone beyond a few pages of the copy they were exhibiting in public. We have some references with much more armpit than illustrated brain. This does not nullify its sales success. There are more titles that decorate the shelves than those that enrich knowledge. Especially among those who represent us or aspire to do so.

Candidates should not be asked for more solvency than that required of any of our acquaintances. It is known that one of the bases of their success is to make us believe that they are like one of us. Who left a village or suburban town with humility in the suitcase and they succeeded in the capital maintaining the same principles now exhibited on twitter.

This electoral key also flew over the face to face last Monday. A brawl that inverted the falsely logical terms of hours before and that did not take into account that There is no lesser rival, anyone has a bad day, that it is typical of the wolf to appear in sheep’s clothing or that it is not always easy to get rid of falsehoods or half-truths when they have already triumphed in the popular imagination.

Alberto Núñez Feijóo (La Peroja, Ourense, September 10, 1961) He was prudent and has come out combative. He was sold calmly, but he walks impatiently because the campaigns are long and heavy, especially when, like this one, it is necessary to reconcile it with the consequences of the previous one and the pacts tilt the supposed centrism of his party towards the extreme of colleagues of yesteryear. Another dilemma solved by Kundera: “Where the heart speaks, it is rude for reason to contradict it& rdquor;

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