Number of Ukrainian refugees in Limburg continues to rise | 1Limburg

So far, 1,900 refugees from Ukraine have found shelter in municipal reception centers in Limburg. This number is expected to continue to rise.

The two Limburg security regions announced this on Monday. At the end of March, the number of Ukrainian visitors in our province was still at 1,500.

No luxury
It is not known how many refugees are still on their way to Limburg. The expected refugees will be accommodated in buildings that municipalities have converted into emergency shelters. According to the security regions, these are not luxury places, but, for example, office buildings that have been adapted for temporary occupancy.

From 1 May, the old Overmaze prison in Maastricht will also host refugees. The government building has a total capacity of 400 people. In addition, the Limburg municipalities are investigating other options, such as installing temporary housing units.

Also read: Hundreds of Ukrainians held in old prison

Regular home seekers
Antoine Scholten, also mayor of Venlo, is chair of the North Limburg security region. He says it is important that there is no extra pressure on the housing of, for example, regular and urgent home seekers. “We understand the questions and concerns about the housing shortage among regular and urgent home seekers. But we shouldn’t compare apples to oranges. The emergency shelters are emphatically no more than a temporary place for people fleeing war and violence.”
