Number of positive corona tests increases, while test share decreases | NOW

The number of positive corona tests at the GGD rose again last week, while the proportion of people taking a test with complaints is decreasing. The RIVM asks to also take a test with mild complaints and to stay at home if the test result is positive.

In the last seven days, RIVM received 34,145 reports of positive corona tests, an increase of 29 percent. Last week, the institute registered 26,462 positive tests. That was an increase of more than 70 percent at the time.

Between Monday morning and Tuesday morning, RIVM registered 5,785 positive corona tests. That is the highest daily figure since April 12. 333 infections came to light in Amsterdam, 159 in The Hague, 153 in Utrecht and 144 in Rotterdam.

Because self-tests are not included in the figures, the actual number of infections is probably higher. Last week, RIVM already told that the increase confirms the suspicion that a new corona wave has started in the Netherlands.

Largest number of tests since April, but test share is falling

Last week, the test sites conducted more than 42,000 tests, the largest number since the beginning of April. Seven out of ten people were indeed infected, which equals the highest percentage ever recorded in March this year.

The percentage of people who do a (self) test for complaints decreased from 88 to 65 percent between March and June of this year. This is apparent from new results of the questionnaire survey of the Corona Behavioral Unit of the RIVM.

“It remains important to do a test in the event of complaints, even mild complaints, and to stay at home if the test result is positive to prevent the spread of the virus,” says RIVM.

Occupancy IC remains relatively low

In total, hospitals admitted 374 corona patients last week. This is the largest influx since April. The week before, there were 337 patients.

Of those 374 patients, 32 ended up on the ICU. The week before there were 22.

“The number of people in IC with COVID-19 is still small compared to, for example, the peak of the delta variant in December 2021,” says RIVM.

Another increase in positive corona tests

Sewage water also shows an increase in the spread of coronavirus

RIVM is also monitoring the development of the pandemic by measuring the number of virus particles in the sewage water. The average number of virus particles in the Netherlands rose again last week.

RIVM also has a site, Infection Radar, where users keep track of their complaints and self-tests. There is also an increase.

Furthermore, the reproduction number has fallen from 1.25 a week earlier to 1.16. That means that 100 people who have corona infect an average of 116 others.
