Number of corona patients in hospital and corona cases continues to decrease | Inland

There are now 125 Covid patients in the intensive care units of hospitals in our country, 4 more than the previous day. There are now 1,633 corona patients in the nursing wards, 73 less than a day earlier. In the past 24 hours, 186 new corona patients were admitted to the nursing wards. 16 patients with corona were brought in on the ICUs.

Some of the patients who tested positive for the coronavirus were initially admitted for a different reason. After a corona test it turns out that they are also positive. The LCPS makes no distinction in the daily hospital figures between patients admitted with or because of corona.

The National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) registered 16,936 new corona infections between Friday and Saturday morning. That’s a lot less than between Thursday and Friday, when 21,787 new cases were registered. On Friday, the number of positive corona tests was on average 25,772 per day. The weekly average has been falling for more than half a month.

RIVM received 13 reports of people who died as a result of a corona infection in the past 24 hours. The fact that they have been reported now does not mean that the deceased died in the past day.
