Nuisance and crime keep pace with number of asylum seekers | News item

News item | 6/26/2023 | 1:00 pm

Nuisance and crime by asylum seekers, as well as the number of residents in the shelter, will increase in 2022. This is evident from the annual survey of the Scientific Research and Documentation Center (WODC). 8700 incidents and 5700 crimes were registered, of which the person concerned stayed at a COA or crisis emergency reception location.

In 2022, 83,080 asylum seekers will be staying at a COA location or in emergency shelters. Of this group, 7% were involved in an incident of verbal aggression (such as name-calling and threats), physical aggression (such as hitting, kicking, kicking), non-verbal aggression (such as aggressive attitudes or gestures), verbal threats of suicide or self-destructive actions. Of the asylum seekers in the reception, 3% were suspected of a crime. Nationalities with relatively many suspects are Algerian (44%), Moroccan (33%) and Tunisian (31%). The WODC concludes this and more in its report.

State Secretary Eric van der Burg: “With the increase in the number of asylum seekers, the nuisance and crime figures are also rising. Any incident is unacceptable and one too many. Together with the organizations in the asylum chain and the Public Prosecution Service, we must join forces and ensure that asylum seekers are not given any room to misbehave.”

Tough approach to troublemakers

A tough approach is appropriate against asylum seekers who abuse the hospitality of the Netherlands and cause nuisance and/or behave criminally. Organizations in the asylum chain are working hard to quickly decide on asylum applications from troublemakers and to ensure return to the country of origin or transfer to the responsible Dublin Member State after a rejection.

The Public Prosecution Service applies a tit-for-tat approach to asylum seekers who commit a crime. This makes it clear to the suspect that committing a crime has direct criminal consequences. Where possible, fast-track or super-fast law is applied. Local government, the asylum chain and society must be able to rely on the fact that crimes will not be tolerated.

Quickly clarifying the asylum application and bringing suspects to court quickly in case of crimes should ensure that potential nuisance providers are discouraged from coming to the Netherlands.

Prevent nuisance

The impact of troublemakers on the environment is great, which is why prevention is important. For example, by monitoring teams on the street, such as in the municipalities of Westerwolde, Cranendonck and Delfzijl, and by facilitating municipalities in local initiatives. A targeted approach remains necessary to keep reception locations safe and liveable for asylum seekers, employees and local residents. For example, through the deployment of the Ambulatory Support Team of the COA for locations where nuisance occurs and intensive guidance of residents who display (potentially) nuisance behavior by COA employees trained for this.

More insight into the motives of those responsible for nuisance helps to focus more effectively on prevention and measures. The research into this is expected to be published before the end of the year.
