Nude lipstick, how to choose and wear it

D.delicate, sophisticated, natural, the nude lipstick is easy only in appearance: if you choose the wrong shade for your complexion, the risk is to flatten the make-up and not give prominence to the lips. For this, as for the red shades, even the nudes have their own vademecum to respect.

Nude lipstick, a great contemporary classic

At the last Venice Film Festival it seems that there was word of mouth among the actresses: many have in fact chosen nude lipstick both on the red carpet and during the Venetian days.

The reason? “The nude is very popular because in general it allows you to enhance the natural beauty lips and face, ”he explains Donatella Ferrari, National Make-up Artist Giorgio Armani who has made up many celebs in the Lagoon.

The nude lipstick, there is a right shade for each (from left, Elsa Hosk, Selena Gomez, Cate Blanchett)

Passe-partout for many stars, nude shades are also among the favorites of Meghan Markle. But how to find the right shade?

How to choose the right nude lipstick shade

To choose the right shade of nude, you have to start from your complexion, also considering the undertone.

At very light skins they give the nudes with pink and peach pigmentations. On the other hand, all shades with white tips should be avoided because they tend to have a “washed out” effect.

The amber and olive skin can be inspired by celebs like Selena Gomez, Kylie Jenner and Vanessa Hudgens: the shades they choose are always slightly darker than the complexion so as to enhance it. In addition, both glossed and opaque textures are very suitable in this case.

And for darker skins? “A chestnut brown with cold undertones emphasizes the lips of one golden skin while the rich and intense chocolate color blends magically with particularly dark lips»Explains the expert.

Proper application of nude lipstick

Before applying the lipstick, it is better to apply a veil of lip balm to soften the lips. “For a very natural effect, nude must be applied alone. If, on the other hand, you want to recreate a more “graphic” look, then you can first define the lip contour with the pencil which must follow the natural shape of the mouth »emphasizes Donatella Ferrari.

Face shape and make-up: how to enhance yourself with the right make-up

As the make-up artist points out, the pencil must perfectly match the shade of the lipstick: «This is the most common mistake with these shades: if you choose the wrong combination of lipstick and pencil the result will be very artificial“.

The make-up that enhances nude lipstick

And the rest of the make-up? The nude lipstick goes very well with intense makeupwith a focus on the eyes: smoky-eyes and kajal are perfect in combination with nude lips: «For a different smoky-eyes than usual, I also recommend combining nude lipstick with warm, amber tones, also ideal for the evening».

But these shades can also be combined with minimal make-up. In this case, however, you must be very careful in choosing the right shade of foundation, which must not be darker than your natural complexion, and blush.

