Nuclear conflict “within possibilities”, says UN Secretary-General | War Ukraine and Russia

In light of the developments in the war in Ukraine, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres no longer excludes the possibility of a nuclear war. The fact that Russia has put the deterrent weapons of its nuclear army units on high alert is a “horrible development”, according to the Portuguese in New York.


14 Mar. 2022

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“The prospect of nuclear conflict, once unimaginable, is now within the realm of possibility,” Guterres said. The UN chief has thus changed his tone. In recent weeks, he described the possibility of using nuclear weapons as unimaginable.

Guterres is clearly pointing the finger at Russia. “The overwhelming majority of civilian casualties and the overwhelming majority of destroyed civilian infrastructure related to the war were caused by the Russian armed forces,” it said. Guterres is not in favor of a no-fly zone over Ukraine. That could lead to an escalation and a global conflict, he believes.

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres. © AP
