NSB family was not safe even with the nuns: ‘No Netflix, but real’

A guard who cannot keep his hands to himself and abuses bad Dutch people in Camp Vught. NSB members who return to the Netherlands and are not safe even with the nuns. It is Open Day and so old archives are being opened again. People can also look for such remarkable stories from the past at the Brabant Historical Information Center (BHIC).

Written by

Luuk Glaap

At the beginning of every year, archives about events that took place 75 years ago are made public in the Brabant Historical Information Center (BHIC) in Den Bosch. This year it concerns 7,500 files from 1948.

Beat it, they humiliated us for five years.

According to the BHIC, the years after the Second World War are all about repairing the damage to the houses. Refugees and NSB members are also returning who need shelter. Although the archives show that no one is waiting for them. Even the Mother Superior of the Our Lady of Lourdes Monastery in Rijkevoort does not want to have an NSB family. That is why she urges the mayor to remove the family from the monastery.

After the war, people were held in Camp Vught who had probably committed crimes. One of the files states that prisoners were abused by guard Pieter L.

Employee Marilou Nillesen of the BHIC: “He just let people come to him and hit them with sticks. Or he stubbed out his cigarette in a prisoner’s eye. ‘Strike it out, they have humiliated us for five years.’ , was something L. said to his employees. They are just really sad stories. We even suspect that someone died because of him.”

Pieter L. called the witness statements at the time ‘pure fantasy’. The court sentenced him to a three-month suspended prison sentence and a fine of 300 guilders.

While it is often invented at Neflix, this is all real.

Nillesen explains why 75 years was chosen: “After that period, we assume that those involved are usually no longer there. We understand that it can be painful or hurtful for children or grandchildren, but this is what exists. happened. And we can’t change that.”

Anyone can now view all these files. “If you are really looking for how things were at the time, this is really worth it. While it is often invented at Netflix, this is all real,” Nillessen emphasizes.

Interested parties can read which files have been made public on the BHIC website. They can then make an appointment to view the entire file here at the BHIC in Den Bosch.”
