‘NS must firmly scratch its head’, according to the VVMC trade union about train jerk incidents

According to the trade union for the Trade Union for Machinists and Conductors (VVMC), the NS should ‘scrub itself firmly.’ This is due to the multiple train jerk incidents in the past month. The union expects the NS to ask itself the following questions: ‘Do we still have enough people on the train and does the passenger still feel safe?’

To date, the abuser has not yet been caught – Tom de Vos

In the past period, several reports of train congestion incidents have been received. For example, two underage girls aged 11 and 16 were already victims of a libel and Milou (28) and Nadia (24) recently shared their terrible experience.

This morning, three new victims reported anonymously to NH Nieuws. One victim made a report to the police this morning and indicates in her e-mail that she has received the descriptions of the suspect (white skin, dark blond hair and sweatpants) recognizes. Her train jerk incident happened on September 17, 2021, on the train from Amsterdam to Castricum.

The second victim indicates that two weeks ago he had come face to face with a libel offender, who got in at Hoorn station and then started to jerk off in the train. The third victim experienced the incident on August 24, 2021 at Hoorn station.


Also at trade union director Wim Eilert of (VVMC) the stories of the victims are hard to hear, but in his response you can also hear surprise. “I do think that the NS should seriously think about it. If there is an increase in the number of reports, the NS should of course anticipate this. After all, they always want to take action in a service-oriented way.”

The union director therefore believes that the NS should take action. “If these kinds of reports increase, you as a carrier have to start asking yourself: Do we still have enough people on the train and do travelers still feel safe?” Eilert also believes that the NS should have made a strong statement after the incidents. “You must of course strongly disapprove of this.”

The police are currently using different investigative methods – Tom de Vos

The big question, of course, remains whether an increase in the number of train jerk incidents can be traced recently. A spokesperson for the Noord-Holland police indicates that about ten reports of violations have been received in the past two months, in which the train stands out.

“We are currently using various investigative methods. For example, we are working with camera images from NS and logically we speak with victims and witnesses. To date, no perpetrator has been caught, but we are working hard on it.”

The NS camera images hanging on platforms and in trains are stored for 28 days. They are then deleted according to the guidelines of the Aurority Personal Data.


The NS is awaiting the police investigation. NS spokesman Elvira van der Vis says that extra checks are not being carried out for the time being on the route between Amsterdam and Hoogkarspel, where the offender appears to be specifically active. “We’re not going to get ahead of things just yet.”

Earlier, Van der Vis said that ‘almost everyone is caught’. Nevertheless, victims still continue to report after an earlier train jerk incident, based on the description of the perpetrator in those reports, it could be the same person. Some of those reports date back to nearly a year ago.

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