NRW minister criticizes police escort for FC Bayern

After the Bundesliga game on Saturday at Borussia Mönchengladbach, the FC Bayern team bus was guided through a rescue lane. Media reports of the incident had sparked a heated discussion. In the meantime, North Rhine-Westphalia’s Minister of the Interior, Herbert Reul, has also taken a stand.

On Monday it became known that the FC Bayern bus was allowed to use a rescue lane in order to get faster in a traffic jam on the A52 after the game against Borussia Mönchengladbach – actually a maneuver forbidden according to the road traffic regulations, which only police, rescue and auxiliary vehicles is reserved.

Particularly spicy: According to the “Rheinische Post”, there was never a need for an escort.

The accident that preceded the traffic jam happened at around 18:30. However, the chartered return flight of the German record champions from Mönchengladbach Airport was possible without any problems until 10:00 p.m.

NRW minister criticizes preference given to FC Bayern

“We confirm that the FC Bayern Munich team bus was escorted past the scene of the accident by a police vehicle. This was against the express instruction of the operations manager that the team bus should not be given any priority in the traffic jam situation,” a police spokesman confirmed in a statement on Monday afternoon.

The officials on site had apparently ignored this instruction or not noticed it. Exactly this question is currently in the focus of the enlightenment about the preference of the German record champion, as the “WDR” reported.

NRW Interior Minister Herbert Reul also spoke on Tuesday. “For me, the rescue lane is not a special route for just anyone – neither for footballers, nor for politicians, nor for anyone else,” the CDU politician clarified at a press conference.

He did not want to say more on the subject, he explained and referred to ongoing investigations within the authorities, which are intended to uncover the causes of the misconduct.
