NRC Today named the best daily podcast

The podcast NRC Today won a Dutch Podcast Award on Monday evening in the Daily Podcast category. Other nominees were Another day (More like this), Boekestijn & De Wijk (BNR), Day (NPO) and FD Daily rate (The Financial Times). The jury calls NRC Today “everything you want from a daily podcast. Current topics in a fast format.”

The audio editorial team has been producing since 2019 NRC every working day a twenty-minute episode based on the story of the day. Presentation is in the hands of editors Gabreilla Adèr, Floor Boon and Egbert Kalse. Earlier this year, a specific episode, ‘How Eric Wiebes’ gas mission failed’ in Groningen, won the PrinsjesPodcast Prize.

Arguably the best podcast of the year

The Legal Podcast Plea from BNR was voted best podcast of the year and won in the Chatcast informative category. In the podcast, lawyers and prosecutors are interviewed about criminal trials that have always stayed with them. “The podcast is substantive, has strong guests and deals with interesting matters, whether known or unknown. Moreover, the podcast is never sensational, which is not always self-evident in this genre,” said the jury. In other categories, thirteen in total, won, among others The love of today by de Volkskrant (Best Interview) and Rookworst from Hef and De Stroom (Best chatcast entertainment). In addition, there was also an audience award based on approximately 25,000 votes. This was won by Homicidein which high-profile Dutch murder cases are discussed every two weeks.

The Dutch Podcast Awards is organized by BNR Nieuwradio. The professional juries are composed of various makers from the podcast world. Involved jury members do not vote in categories where a production by their employer has a chance.
