Nowhere has the number of bus stops shrunk as fast as in Drenthe

Drenthe has experienced the largest percentage decrease in the number of bus stops over the past five years. Compared to the year 2018, there are 17 percent less. There was no such decline in any other province, according to NOS figures.

The municipality of Aa en Hunze experienced the greatest percentage decline in the number of bus stops. Compared to 2018, there are one third fewer boarding points this year. In numbers, this means a drop from 88 to 60 stops.

The municipality of Emmen saw the most cuts in the total number of stops. Five years ago there were 259, now there are 202. In Drenthe there is a municipality where one or more boarding points have been added, namely Meppel. Compared to 2018, two bus stops have been added.

Drenthe also has a number of villages where there is no bus stop at all. Peize, a village with about 4500 inhabitants, is such an example after the cancellation of bus line 86 between Groningen and Norg. In 2018, the village still had four boarding points.

Other examples are Drouwenermond, Roswinkel and Kolderveen. In 2018 there were still four stops here, but they have all disappeared. Also Tynaarlo (3), Gieterveen (3), De Groeve (2), Echten (2), Lhee (2), Drijber (1), Bareveld (1), Nieuwlande (1), Darp (1), Tiendeveen (1 ), Donderen (1), Witteveen (1) and Havelterberg (1) all had one or more stops, but now have to do without a bus that stops in the village.

In our province, 103 of the 189 places of residence now have one or more boarding points. In 2018 there were still 118. This means that just over half (54 percent) of the residential areas in Drenthe still have at least one bus stop.

If you compare Drenthe to the rest of the Netherlands, Groningen is the province that follows. The number of stops there has decreased by 15 percent compared to 2018. This is a total decrease of 208 boarding points. Flevoland and Zeeland (both 1 percent) are the only two provinces where stops were added.
