Now the activists want to plant potatoes in front of the Chancellery

Instead of blocked streets, there were vegetables at the weekend: The activists from “Essen Retten – Leben Retten” protested on Saturday morning in front of the Federal Chancellery – and symbolically planted potatoes.

In front of the office of Chancellor Olaf Scholz (63, SPD), the group “Uprising of the Last Generation” dug up a piece of lawn. They are calling for a “food rescue law” and an “agricultural turnaround by 2030”.

In addition to potatoes, the activists also planted onions (Photo: Ufuk Ucta)

Spokeswoman Carla Hinrichs (25) on the BZ: “With the campaign we wanted to show how difficult it is to produce food and how disrespectful it is to let farmers produce for the bin at the moment.” The law student from Bremen continues to emphasize : “As long as politics doesn’t do anything, we will continue to take to the streets.”

Pensioner Renate L. (72) from Friedenau finds the potato planting initiative better than blocking roads, but criticizes: “One should at least have put up a sign with an explanation. At first I thought wild boar had plowed the ground here.”

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Hobby gardener Johanna Walach (69) also notes that it is not yet the right time for potatoes – because they are planted in March at the earliest, depending on the soil temperature. She says: “That’s also a waste of food. It saddens me that something beautiful has to be destroyed in order to make a statement.”

The police broke up the action after an hour and a half. According to a police spokeswoman, the 12 young men and women have to answer for damage to property and violation of the Freedom of Assembly Act. According to the Green Areas Act, this administrative offense can be punished with a fine of up to 5,000 euros.

Again and again highway blockades

The group has been blocking freeways since the end of January, especially in Berlin, but also in Hamburg, Munich and other cities. In the meantime, she has been receiving sharp criticism from motorists, but also from federal politics, because traffic and people could be endangered.

On Friday, the activists blocked the A 100 during morning rush hour, causing traffic jams that stretched for kilometers. Since January 24, the police have registered more than 37 blockades on freeways. Mainly affected: the A 100, A 111, A 103 and also the Tiergarten tunnel.

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In total, the officials counted more than 330 “acting persons”. They even come from Denmark! The police have now written more than 100 reports against the activists for coercion, dangerous intervention in road traffic, etc.

With dpa


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