Now that there are no crocuses in the state: that there are corona rules in winter sports areas

Zwitserland: bijna everything kan én mag, zonder mondmasker en vaccinatiebewijs

• Are all corona rules in Zwitserland opgeheven last week? Incoming Belgen does not have a long vaccination certificate or a negative test result for the legs. Also the Passenger Locator Form (PLF) is no longer needed.

• In the horeca, Winkels, bioscopes and other amusement spots, there is no longer a corona pass for the legs in the Mondmaskers business. Some places were still dead until March 31st, a moon masker obligation was due, weliswaar vanaf 12 jaar, zijn Ziken- en Rusthuizen en het openbaar vervoer.

• When the ski lifts are closed in the mountains, the masker is still open. Also on the ski slopes and in the après-ski huts there are no welcome maskers or vaccinatiebewijs.

• Let wel: how tijdens de skivakantie in Zwitserland positiv zou test, moet wel nog altijd vijf dagen in quarantine. All federal regulations are grossly applicable in the 26 Zwitserse cantons.

Oostenrijk: 3G rule (vaccinated, genezen of tested) on the ski slopes, après-ski slotted

• Net are vandaag is Oostenrijk where overschekeld van the 2G to the 3G rule. What is known that not all gevaccineerde en/of genezen, maar dus also negatively tested irritants weer het land inside like. With a PCR test, which may not be available until 72 p.m. Also gevaccineerde en genezen irritants must be tested trouwens can voorleggen, tenzij ze intussen een boosterprik kregen. The vaccination period is 180 days for full and 210 days for 12 to 18 years. The boosterprik is worth 270 days.

• Also in the ski area there will be dead on March 4th of the 3G rule from Kracht. Of het now in horeca, remaining shells of ski lifts is: it never comes in zones bewijs van vaccinatie, manufacture of recente test. For children younger than 12, this rule of thumb does not apply.

• Op the ski lifts, the guards in the direction of the ski slopes and the toilets would like children from 6 years of age to a moon mask in Dragen. Vanaf 14 jaar hoort dat zelfs de FFP2-versie te zijn. A moon masker is also required in the other internal structures in the open area.

• As in Oostenrijk tijdens de skivakantie de bloemetjes wil buitenzetten, is what it is supposed to be. Nog altijd moet de horeca he om middernacht close. Indoor après-ski bars and night-time rooms are slotted at the end of the day or at night. Pas vanaf 5 maart may the après-ski’s opnieuw de deuren openen. Also state of aan de too drinken zit er in Oostenrijk voorlopig not in.

• Op diezelfde 5 maart been in Oostenrijk trouwens zo goed as all coronamaatrules afgeschaft. Then there should be no more FFP2 masks in the open bar, and in the essentials there are supermarkets, banks and pharmacies.

A snowy place in the Oostenrijkse Tirol.Beeld ANP

Italy: ongevaccineerden komen de pistes niet op

• In Italië – en dus ok in ski areas as Zuid-Tirol – there are still strict corona maat rules. If you arrive in Italy, you must answer Belgen aan the 3G rule. You will need a QR code to show that you are fully vaccinated (with a minimum amount of money), genezen (with a minimum amount of money) and that this is negatively tested. Daarbij may antigenic and PCR test respectievelijk hooguit 48 uur en 72 uur oud zijn. How al een boosterprik kreeg, hoeft zich van al het bovenstaande niets aan te trekken, want that is in Italië onbeperkt money. Let’s say: no one needs to change the PLF formula.

• Overall in the country there is no longer a lockdown for the onset of vaccinations after 12 years. How never been vaccineerd of manufacture is – al may dat in both cases not longer dan zes maanden zijn geleden – like the grandchildren in supermarkets, pharmacies and petrol stations inside.

• The Italiaanse ski slopes and lifts are on the ground in areas where there is no recent use of vaccines. Avenues with the drawn name Super Green Pass, such as the Italians het 2G bewijs doopten, may each have mountains op en af. Al moet in slotted gondolas and lifts with a hood covering het FFP2-mondmasker nog altijd op.

• Ook de Italiaanse après-skigelegenen zijn uitsluitend toegankelijk met het 2G-bewijs. For overdekte après-ski’s is de capacityit nog altijd beperkt tot 50% van het normal antal. However, a limit of 75% applies. Al may ever he intussen wel zonder masker aan panel citten of dansen.

• Opgepast: as in Italië positiv test op corona, moet nog altijd tien dagen obligated in quarantine in de op de PLF aangeduide verblijfplaats.

France: from 12 years minimum PCR-test én from 18 years booster mandatory

• Frankrijk blijft met voorsprong het strictest skiing country. Also in the Alps and Pyrenees is not considered a 2G offense in the rest of the country. Avenues like gevaccineerd of genezen is, he may irritate dus naartoe. After 18 years there is a bijkomende booster obligation.

• Children must be 12 and 15 years old. Zijn ze not gevaccineerd, then a negative PCR of antigen test van hooguit 24 uur is obligatory. For the 16- and 17-year-olds, it is not possible to carry out such a test: they must be fully vaccinated (including the obligation to boost).

• At the guards and in the ski lifts, there is a moon masker obligation for any other day than 6 years. Daarnaast is also obligated in all other internal routes het dragen van een masker vanaf 11 jaar.

• Before going to the ski area, it is compulsory for 12 years to provide sanitization in 16 years for vaccinations. Same for restaurants, mountain huts, bars and hotel accommodations.

This is also true for Vlamingen, which is related to what is skipret, as well as the VAB vacancy barometer. Children must be between the ages of 18 and 24 (13 percent) and between the ages of 25 and 34 (17 percent) to go into winter sports.

The most popular decision to come about crocuses in Oostenrijk: 39 percent of the Vlamingen in the crocuses for winter sports, directly to Oostenrijk. Tegen 29 percent to France, 18 percent to Italy and 8 percent to Switzerland.

Nochtans bleek Oostenrijk afgelopen December tijdens de lesvrije week nog een stuk less popular. Met delivered 47 percent less medical dossiers in 2020. “Maar toen gold daar nog het 2G-beleid, what het vooral voor younger moeilijk maakte om daarheen te irritating”, vermoedt men bij de VAB.
