‘Now it’s like social rent!’

Lize Korpershoek, Tim Hofman’s girlfriend, has informed her followers in an insensitive way that she wants to have her bathroom renovated. “It now looks just like social rent!”


With her own home in very expensive Amsterdam, Lize Korpershoek belongs to the lucky few. How does she pay the mortgage? She is best known as a girlfriend of Tim Hofman, but is also a documentary maker and influencer. For example, with some sponsored Instagramstories half her household goods together.

Hoppa, hoppa

Apparently Lize now also wants a bathroom that is sponsored down to the last tile, because she divides it into three stories her wish to thoroughly tackle the wet room. “Okay, welcome to my bathroom. I’ll do the wide-angle lens. Then it looks big, but it is a very small bathroom. Hoppa, hoppa, hoppa”, she says.

Now that Lize walks in with all her celebrity chores, she wants to get the money rolling. “I had a tax windfall and then I thought: let me do something good with it, namely renovate my bathroom, because I had no money left for that when I bought this house, so two questions: a good contractor, and: does anyone have tips on how to handle this?”


Lize starts her call with a prejudice about contractors. “I’m looking for someone who is fantastically friendly, because I often don’t find contractors that friendly. A fantastic friendly contractor who wants to come and renovate my bathroom. It’s a very small bathroom.”

In other words: Lize wants a contractor who will fix it up for fantastically friendly prices – or rather: fully sponsored. She apparently wants to sit in the front row for a dime again; she also recently made a call for an excellent beautician, but one that does not charge too much.

Social rent

Lize misses the point when she shows her somewhat dated bathroom with the text: ‘Here’s a tour through this 1990 social housing bathroom’. And apparently Lize has absolutely no sense in social rental housing vibes anymore.

Of course, drawing that comparison points to a complete lack of sense of privilege. Very nice that Lize owns a house and that she can have it thoroughly renovated, but this is quite condescending to all those people who are dependent on social housing and who are not able to have their ‘ugly’ bathroom renovated.


With her comparison, Lize unnecessarily emphasizes social inequality in our country, which is strongly reflected in the housing market. By implying that a bathroom in a social rental home is inferior, it also contributes to the negative stereotypes about the social rental sector and the people who depend on it.

Especially from Lize, who, together with her boyfriend, constantly points the finger at others, you would expect her to take the feelings of others into account a little more. Well, as long as Lize can get her new bathroom sponsored together… Maybe that one hysterical guy from Tile depot?
