Now it has caught Jan Böhmermann

“It’s so embarrassing,” jokes the entertainer in a nasal voice, referring to his corona disease. After two years of the pandemic, he could no longer avoid infection.

He had a feeling that the tests were still negative five times, reports Jan Böhmermann. Only after the sixth time was there certainty: “There he was, the little rascal,” he jokes.

The symptoms were limited, he only suffered from glassy eyes and headaches, the satirist reports in his podcast “Fest & Fluffy”. Podcast colleague Olli Schulz adds that Böhmermann looks “like a clown who has just removed his make-up and cried”.

The symptoms are currently not bad, but Böhmermann is prepared for anything: “It’s a joyride” he says before saying goodbye.

Other celebrities recently had to struggle with Corona, such as Elton John, who had to cancel two tour dates, and Eddie Vedder, who was able to perform again, but reported his illness on stage.
