‘Now continue with Omnibaan Dalen’

Whether the omnibaan in Dalen will actually be built depends on both the financial feasibility and any effects on nature. In July last year, the municipal council in Coevorden responded positively to a proposal from PvdA and VVD to support the Omnibaan Dalen Foundation in the development of the plan and to consider subsidy opportunities and road safety. Only the opposition party Progressive Agreement Coevorden (PAC) then voted against.

Councilor Joop Slomp (PvdA) indicated earlier this week during the budget discussion that he will soon consult with the foundation again about how to proceed. According to him, there currently appear to be no objections to the plans. Regarding the latter, Jerry Stoker (PAC) questioned it. According to him, there is indeed a nature club, which points out the possible presence of protected animal species, such as stone martens and certain insects and butterflies. “This includes animals that are on the so-called ‘red list’. That could become a point of discussion,” Stoker said. The results of the flora and fauna research are expected to be published early next year.
