Now all the asylum mistakes of 2015 are being repeated

By Gunnar Schupelius

The government refuses border controls and distributes the migrants to municipalities that can no longer accept them. The result is total chaos, says Gunnar Schupelius.

The Oder-Spree district has confiscated a school sports hall in Fürstenwalde to accommodate asylum seekers. On the other hand, 150 students from the upper school center “Palmnicken”, to which the sports hall belongs, protested.

The students moved through Fürstenwalde on Monday. “Not us again,” read their posters. It was “like a shock,” said student spokeswoman Skadi Jerominek, that the sports hall would be closed.

3,000 students and trainees study at the Palmnicken senior school center. The sports hall is not only used for school lessons, but also for working groups.

The district’s head of social affairs, Angelika Zarling, still wants to confiscate the hall. There were no other accommodations available, she explained briefly.

The student protest in Fürstenwalde did not attract any attention beyond the district. This is astonishing because it has never happened before that students have resisted so clearly that the gymnasium is being taken away from them.

This is exactly what should never happen again, as the politicians unanimously assured after 2015 and 2016, when gymnasiums were closed everywhere and occupied by asylum seekers.

Now it’s like 2015 again and all mistakes are being repeated: the federal government refuses border controls and allows uncontrolled immigration to happen. In June alone, more than 7,000 people entered Poland and the Czech Republic illegally.

The migrants are distributed to the municipalities, regardless of whether there is room for accommodation there or not. Again it is said on the political stage: “We can do it because we have to do it”. But the municipalities can’t do it.

“There is a lack of accommodation and living space, day-care centers and schools are overwhelmed.” This is how the Association of Towns and Municipalities in North Rhine-Westphalia puts it. This is how it looks everywhere in Germany.

And again, as in 2015, the protest is articulated in one AfD poll high after the other. Again, the CDU and SPD are losing approval. Again, the Berlin CDU-SPD Senate goes to the diving station, as in 2015.

What does this federal government want, what do these state governments want? That it always goes on like this? Do you have a plan? Apparently not. And that’s the difference to the other European countries: nowhere else in asylum policy are people so cautious and so obviously hitting the wall as here.

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Read all of Gunnar Schupelius’ columns here
