November’s TV series: The Crown 6, Netflix, prime video, Rai

The Crown 6 it is certainly one of the most anticipated TV series in November. In the first four episodes we tell the love story between Lady D And Dodi Al-Fayed until the tragic accident in 1997 in Paris. The philosophy professor also shows up at the end of 2023 Dante Balestrainterpreted by Alessandro Gassmann, dealing with students and his family affairs, and Sword (Giacomo Ferrara), in the sequel to Subura.

The torments and tragic end of Lady Diana in the trailer for the first part of

After Claps case arrives on Rai 1 Circeoon the case of two girls beaten and raped by a group of young people in a villa on the Lazio coast. It was the 1985. Brothers fans Cohen and theirs black humour instead, you must not miss the fifth season of Fargowhile the new series will be available on Sky from 3 November Unwanted. Hostages of the sea with Marco Bocci, as the captain of a cruise ship who saves a group of migrants.

The 10 TV series to watch in November 2023

Unwanted. Hostages of the sea. From November 3rd. Sky and Now

What happens when a cruise ship full of Western tourists, the Horizon, brings safety 28 migrants after their ship sank? Captain (Marco Bocci) will have to decide how to behave. The life stories of the ship’s crew and passengers will intertwine with the tormented ones of the gods migrants.

There situation worsens when some of the new guests, discovering that the boat is heading towards Libya, the land from which they left, take the ship hostage out of desperation. The series Skydirected by Oliver Hirschbiegel, German director of The Fall – Hitler’s Last Daysis loosely based on Bilalthe investigative book by Fabrizio Gatti on his undercover journey between the routes from Africa to Europe.

Monterossi. Season 2. From November 10th. Prime Video

Come back Monterossithe sui generis detective played by Fabrizio Bentivoglio and born from the novels of Alessandro Robecchi. In this second season Milan is in a panic due to a trail of inexplicable murders, connected by a strange ritual. Two killer to make ends meet they are forced to go to Reggio Calabria in search of a murderer who cannot be found. There is in the middle Carlo Monterossi.

Who is Monterossthe? A television writer who finds himself playing detective. What distinguishes him is his melancholy look, his love for Bob Dylan and whiskey. «Monterossi is an involuntary winner in love with losers», Bentivoglio describes it with the author’s words.

Fabrizio Bentivoglio. (Prime Video)

For All Mankind. Season 4. From November 10th. 4. Apple TV+

In the eight years since season three, Happy Valley has entered the new millennium and quickly expanded its presence on Mars, turning former enemies into partners. In 2003 the space program focused on the capture and extraction of asteroids extremely precious and rich in minerals capable of changing the future of Earth and Mars.

The space drama critically acclaimed, created by nominee ai Golden Globes and winner of a Emmy Ronald D. Moore, is now in its fourth season. On the international station, tensions between residents threaten to erase everything that has been built.

“For al of Mankind 4”. (Apple TV+)

New Santa Clause wanted. From November 8th the TV series on Disney+

Scott Calvin (Tim Allen) returns to North Pole to experience new adventures while waiting for Christmas. Allen, also an executive producer, puts the clothes back on Santa Claus ready to retire: he will in fact entrust some tasks of his company to the various members of the family. At the age of 65 he is aware that it cannot be Santa Clause forever.

When Scott discovers that there is a way to retire from his position, he considers resigning from the position of Santa Claus and to find a worthy successorso as to become a better father and husband and begin a new adventure south of the Pole. Who will become his heir? You’ll see some beautiful ones.

“New Santa Clause Wanted 2”

SuburrAEterna. From November 14th. Netflix

New protagonists will take to the field in sequels Of Subura upsetting the balance of Rome: thus begins a revolution which, from the church to the Capitoline Hill and up to the beaches of Ostia, quickly expands to erase everything that represents the past. Sword (Giacomo Ferrara) is forced to return to the city for save the family destined for destruction and to put the pieces of the puzzle back into place.

Aurelian (Alessandro Borghi) is no longer there (he died in the last episode of the third season) leaving a void in his friend Sword. How will his character evolve? «Spadino returns changed», announced the actor. Together with him we will find Cinaglia in action (Filippo Nigro), who tries to take up the legacy of SamuraiBadali (Emmanuele Aita), Adelaide (Paola Sotgiu) and Angelica (Carlotta Antonelli), remained at the head of the Anacleti. New pieces will obviously be added.

Giacomo Ferrara. (Netflix)

Circeo. The TV series from November 14th on Rai 1

Another news story after that of Elisa Claps lands on Rai 1. 1st October 1975, two girls are found naked locked in the trunk of a car. They are friends Rosaria (Adalgisa Manfrida) e Donatella (Ambrosia Caldarelli), one of the two is lifeless. They will forever be remembered as “the victims of Circeo”. Rosaria and Donatella were beaten and raped by some guys who took them to a villa on the Lazio coast, with the excuse of a party.

Greta Scarano. (Rai press office)

Donatella is the only survivor. Director Andrea Molaioli it dramatizes the ensuing trial and movement feminist which led to the law against sexual violence. At the time it was rape it was a crime against public morals, not against the person. After the case of Circeo things changed. Greta Scarano plays the character of TeresaDonatella’s lawyer.

A professor. Season 2. From November 16th. Rai 1

Alessandro Gassmann he returns to the teacher’s shoes Dante Balestra, the sui generis professor who uses philosophy to help students solve their problems: between complicated loves, intrusive parents, daydreams and dashed hopes. In his class we still find his son Simone and Manuelson of Anita (Claudia Pandolfi), with whom he decided to go and live in the villa outside Rome.

The balance is upset by the return of FlorianaDante’s ex-wife, in that very villa. How long can a threesome live together? In this second season it also appears Nicholascharismatic manager and biological father of ManueL.

“A Professor 2”. (Rai press office)

The Crown. Season 6. From November 16th. Netflix

Last season for The Crown. The first four episodes are here Netflix in November (the finale in December) which tell of the relationship between the Princess Diana (Elizabeth Debicki) e Dodi Al-Fayed (Khalid Abdalla), until the tragic accident that involved them in Paris in 1997. Lady D is separated from Prince Charles (Dominic West). While she spends a summer in the south of France, Charles sticks to Balmoral tradition. Diana wants to see her children William and Harry. A detour to Paris will be fatal.

The news of the accident shocks the Queen (Imelda Staunton). As her Golden Jubilee approaches, Elizabeth II reflects on the future of the monarchy, which will see the wedding of Carlo and Camilla (Olivia Williams) and the beginning of a new royal fairy tale between William and Kate.

Fargo. Season 5. From November 22nd. Sky and Now

The series cultwhich is inspired by black humour and in the style of the film of the same name Coen brothers, reaches five seasons. The protagonists of the new cycle of episodes are Juno Temple (Ted Lasso) and Jon Hamm (Mad Men), entangled in a story set in 2019, in Minnesota.

Dorothy “Dot” Lyon (Temple), a Midwestern housewife, gets into trouble when she sheriff by Roy Tillman (Hamm) investigate her: many events from his twisted past don’t add up. But it’s better not to put one under pressure Lyon and reveal the secrets of his familyanything could happen.

Jennifer Jason Leigh. (Sky)

One Trillion Dollar. From November 23rd. The TV series on Paramount+

John Fontanelli (Philip Froissant) is a young courier of Berlin without a cent in his pocket. Her life changes radically when one day she learns that he is the sole heir to a fortune created over 500 years ago. Over the centuries the legacy has grown immeasurably, reaching the trillion dollars.

John is the rightful heir and the richest man in the worldbut there is a prophecy connected to this inheritance: the beneficiary will have to restore humanity’s lost future. The young man accepts the challenge, but must fight against the powerful forces of the world who want to stop John at all costs. In the cast of One Trillion Dollarbased on thriller by Andreas Eschbach, our actresses are also there Alessandra Mastronardi And Greta Scacchi.

