Novavax, Moderna, BioNTech, CureVac & Co: Pandemic doesn’t take a break – waiting for autumn

by Julia Groß, €uro on Sunday

WWhilst the stream of visitors in the remaining German vaccination centers is rather sparse, a booking website for the monkeypox vaccination in New York City collapsed under the onslaught 30 minutes after going live. The eruption can hardly be pushed back.

Meanwhile, authorities around the world are advising larger and larger population groups to get the fourth COVID vaccination. The EMA now recommends this from the age of 60, while in the USA even the release for all adults is being discussed. The US Food and Drug Administration also granted emergency approval for Novavax’s vaccine on Wednesday after long delays. The US government has ordered 3.2 million doses of the vaccine. For comparison, Pfizer shipped nearly 440 million doses to the U.S. by the end of May.

Many people do not want to be vaccinated again until autumn with adapted vaccines. Moderna is now testing a second bivalent Omicron vaccine that specifically contains Omicron BA.4/5 components.

Berenberg analyst Zhiqiang Shu looked at the patents cited in CureVac’s lawsuit against BioNTech. In an “optimistic scenario,” CureVac could get up to $500 million, in his opinion. However, courts could also declare CureVac’s patents invalid.


Bavarian Nordic

On July 1, the US government ordered 2.5 million additional doses of monkeypox vaccine. These are filled from stock that has previously been ordered and paid for by the USA. The vaccine business could develop into a steady stream of income for Bavarian Nordic. Because the monkeypox outbreak in the industrialized countries can no longer be brought under control. This means that the virus could circulate permanently in the future and vaccination against it could probably be recommended regularly for certain groups of people. A chance for a re-rating of the stock. Risk-taking investors build a position. jgr

As previously reported, there are signs of a trend reversal in biotech stocks. The rebound attempt can also be clearly seen in the Medical BioHealth course. The fund invests in innovative biotech companies, to a large extent also in small and medium-sized companies. This is associated with higher risks, but such stocks also offer above-average upside potential if the drug development is successful and/or the company is taken over. According to reports from the “Wall Street Journal”, the latter is imminent at Seagen, which has a 4.3 percent share and is the largest value in the fund’s portfolio.


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