Novak Djokovic admits several mistakes

The allegations against Novak Djokovic do not stop. The tennis superstar has now made detailed statements for the first time – including the false information on his entry form to Australia.

Under pressure from the Australian authorities, Novak Djokovic admitted “errors” in his entry information and in his behavior after an alleged corona infection. “We live in difficult times of a global pandemic and sometimes mistakes like this can happen,” the unvaccinated 34-year-old said in a statement he posted on social media on Wednesday.

Djokovic defends himself against “misinformation”

The tennis star, who despite a partial victory in court on Monday still has to fear that his visa will be revoked again and that he will not be able to play the Australian Open from January 17, said that additional information was available to the local authorities to clarify the matter to have asked. He also fought against “misinformation”, which he had to clarify in order to alleviate the concerns of the people in Australia and to protect his family.

He admitted that he had an appointment with the French sports newspaper L’Equipe on December 18, despite knowledge of a positive corona test on December 16. In retrospect, this was a “misjudgment”. And he admitted that he had inadvertently made a false statement about his travel activities on his immigration form before the flight to Melbourne. His management is responsible for this “human and certainly not deliberate” mistake.

Djokovic’s participation in the first Grand Slam tournament of the year has not yet been finally clarified. Immigration Secretary Alex Hawke continues to check whether he will withdraw the sports star’s visa a second time.



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