‘Not strong enough for solo presentation’

Dionne Stax is regularly the target of criticism. TV columnists such as Angela de Jong are not entirely enthusiastic about her. What is the solution? “Maybe she should go to duo presentation.”

© Broadcasting MAX

Dionne Stax’s career is a bit of a ripple. She currently makes programs for the elderly broadcaster MAX, but is fairly interchangeable there. You can actually put anyone in her place. Replace her with Carrie ten Napel and there will be no one to miss Dionne. That is quite difficult for her, says format developer Kirsten Jan van Nieuwenhuijzen.


Kirsten Jan, who was involved in the development of the Matthijs van Nieuwkerk quiz The Connection, shares his opinion in the podcast Content Wars. “I just wanted to talk about Dionne Stax’s fickle career, which is of course talked about a lot. There is also a lot of criticism of a number of programs.”

He continues: “One of the last is of course Dionne. Close by with the first ladies. She is the presenter of one of my favorite programs: Van Onschatbare Waarde, which I think she does very well, but that is also a very strong format. With other formats it is very fickle actually.”


Dionne does not really know how to put a signature to her programs, Kirsten Jan thinks. “She can’t really make a mark on many formats yet. There is some criticism of the other things she does, including Dionne Dichtbij. It’s a bit superficial. I didn’t think the series with Máxima was strong either.”

Does she get the wrong formats? “Yes, that is difficult. I think she can do very nice things at MAX, because she also does Dream House Gezocht instead of Sybrand and I must honestly say: I also miss Sybrand a bit there if I think it’s too exaggerated for her.”

Solo or duo?

Perhaps Dionne is just not charismatic enough for solo presentation, according to Kirsten Jan. “She has to find her way a bit and maybe it is sometimes that carrying a program all the way is a bit difficult for her. Then the format just has to be very strong.”

The solution? “Perhaps they should also think about duo presentation from time to time. That might also help. Somehow it’s just hard for her to really stay above the million, which she has with Van Inschatbare Waarde by far, but with her other shows…”
